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ACIG Group of Companies Takes Part in UN Private Sector Forum

United Nations Private Sector Forum, organized by UN Global Compact in the framework of Sustainable Development Summit, was held on September 26, 2015, in New York. Aleksandr Plakida, Chairman of the Board, represented ACIG Group of Companies.

UN Global Compact is the largest international initiative aimed to involve business structures in work on sustainable development and establish partnership relations between state and corporate sectors. Today the Global Compact represents a global network consisted of more than 13 000 companies and organizations in 161 countries, including Russia.

This event gathered about 300 leaders of the largest global companies, heads of states, civil society and UN leaders. Key speakers of the conference were UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Unilever Paul Polman, etc.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon noticed during his speech: “First, companies need to do business responsibly and then pursue new opportunities. We would be closer to the world we want if companies everywhere took baseline actions like respecting employee rights … not polluting land, sea and air … and punishing corruption.”

In course of the General Assembly plenary session heads of states and governments presented their Sustainable Development Goals aimed to replace Millennium Development Goals (2000-2015) in January 2016. As a result of active intergovernmental negotiations involving private sector and civil society the main tasks of the Goals program were recognized, including poverty eradication in conjunction with economic, social and environment-related activity (climate change). The Sustainable Development Goals program, elaborated collectively by Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), UN Global Compact and World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), provides guidelines for companies with regard to making strategic decisions aiming to reach the above mentioned goals and to enhance contribution to sustainable development through their general business.

During the Forum heads of more than 35 companies shared intentions to coordinate their actions in favor of sustainable development, including investments to low-carbon infrastructure, fighting corruption, aiming for reach gender equality at work, increase access to basic health services and improvement of such services in the least developed countries.


ACIG Group of Companies is a participant of the UN Global Compact Network Russia and supports all its principles. UN Private Sector Forum, organized   by UN Global Compact, which gathers heads of states, leaders of companies and civil society in order to show importance of efforts taken by private sector and civil society representatives to achieve the sustainable development principles as well as provide private sector a platform where representatives could set long-terms goals and establish long-term partnership relations what is an important contribution to achieving sustainable development all over the world.

Official website of the Global Compact Network in Russia is